A view of the patio. The little tree by the tank is a Mexican orchid tree (Bauhinia mexicana). All summer it flaunts lacy white flowers that pollinators love. I too am partial to bauhinias and I want to grow at least one of every make. Sadly, one can not eat them, otherwise they would be true favorites. In front of the column is a night blooming cereus to enjoy while lounging on the patio of a summer eve.

The steps to the garage form a bench and the planter you see here. Those vintage patio chairs need cushions before they get sat on again. In fact, as I look at these photos I see a dozen more projects staring me down.
For example, there is the raw field of dirt you see beyond the walkway here:

I have been visualizing a kitchen garden there so long that I sort of ceased noticing it is really bare. The bamboo hastily jammed into the beds in the foreground remains there to hold sheets over the little citrus trees if it should freeze again.
I love to see a garden’s ‘Before’ photos, and I do have some to show. I’ll post those whenever the garden is closer to looking like a proper ‘After’.
One of my friends grows her herbs in a location similar to your future kitchen garden. Can't wait to see your after shots!
Mary, that's looking wonderful! It's great that you can work on it in "winter;" it should be useable by spring.
I like your patio. And like Mary Beth, I'd love to see your 'after' pictures.
Kate, Mary Beth, and Kanak, the soil in the kitchen garden is still terrible but a little more TLC will change that. I can't wait either!
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